DVD Spotlight | "The Price of Pleasure"

The filmmakers interview people who are both for and against pornography, but there is a clear negative slant against the porn industry. Picker and Sun have an obvious agenda, playing dark, menacing music while showing people watching pornography and willfully leaving huge gaps in their central argument that pornography is degrading to women.

Picker and Sun miss a golden chance for a balanced and objective exploration of why pornography has become such a mainstream part of our culture while still remaining such a taboo, but instead they sacrifice that for what seems like a moral crusade. Who are these people they are interviewing? Who cares what these random college students have to say? The fact that a few people feel cheapened by it is not a solid argument on which to build a film, and The Price of Pleasure never feels like anything more than a wasted opportunity.
GRADE - ★½ (out of four)
THE PRICE OF PLEASURE | Directed by Miguel Picker and Chyng Sun | Debuts on DVD tomorrow, November 30, from Cinema Libre.