Review: "Wild Grass"

© 2008, F Comme Film, Courtesy of Sony Pictures Classics
It's a surprisingly light and nimble comedy, given its subject matter. Resnais takes what in any real life situation would be frightening and turns it into something endlessly beguiling. Everything about Wild Grass is refreshing, and not just because it is a romantic comedy centered around an older couple. Resnais has the spark and the verve of a director half his age, and he directs with a light touch. It would be easy to call Wild Grass "frothy," but that does a disservice to the skill with which it is made. There is a darkness to it that adds to its unique personality. Resnais never dispenses with the obvious implications of the obsessive storyline, but he does so without allowing it to hamper the film's charms.
Of course the entire thing is one long awkward situation, but that is partly what makes it so charming. Love is an awkward thing anyway, and Resnais uses the inherent awkwardness of the plot to highlight love's tentative early stages. The timid advances, second guessing, and at times outrageous impulsiveness are all perfectly captured by Resnais' keen eye for character interactions.

One could make the argument that it's all completely unbelievable, and to some degree that's true. But the important thing is that it feels emotionally true. Resnais hits the romantic bullseye in all its messy, irrational glory. It's all beautifully captured by Eric Gautier's gorgeous cinematography, highlighted by cheerful green hues, adding to the general warmhearted atmosphere. In fact the entire film is kind of like a warm blanket, a romantic comedy as only the French can do it, and more specifically, a New Wave legend like Resnais.
Wild Grass is a wonderfully unique film, a unique and compelling film that demands to be surrendered to. It's a feast for the senses, at once intoxicating and just uncomfortable enough to offer a bracing twist.
GRADE - ★★★½ (out of four)
WILD GRASS; Directed by Alain Resnais; Stars Sabine Azéma, André Dussollier, Anne Consigny, Emmanuelle Devos, Mathieu Amalric; Not Rated; In French w/English subtitles.
Aye Matthew, this is the Resnais I've always adored, and I had planned to see this over the weekend, but was occupied with a classic film festival. Your beautifully descriptive and enthusiastic review has certainly stregthened my resolve to see this later in the week.
It's amazing at 87 he is still producing this kind of work.