First Quarter Report 2010
I have seen a lot of films this year. And I mean a lot. Probably more so by this point in the year than I ever have. There has been a lot of great stuff (Lourdes), and some really bad stuff (Murder in Fashion). Some really good major releases (How to Train Your Dragon), and the usual studio junk (The Wolfman).
The good news for film buffs, is that most of the really good stuff hasn't even been released yet. So rejoice! 2010 has a lot to offer, you just don't know it yet. If I were to list the 5 best 2010 releases I have seen this far and included those that have not yet been released, but will be sometime later this year, my first quarter report would look radically different. But this is about what the quarter actually looks like in terms of releases. So here are the 5 best films 2010 has produced thus far:

The good news for film buffs, is that most of the really good stuff hasn't even been released yet. So rejoice! 2010 has a lot to offer, you just don't know it yet. If I were to list the 5 best 2010 releases I have seen this far and included those that have not yet been released, but will be sometime later this year, my first quarter report would look radically different. But this is about what the quarter actually looks like in terms of releases. So here are the 5 best films 2010 has produced thus far:
- Lourdes (Jessica Hausner, Austria)
- Bluebeard (Catherine Breillat, France)
- Mother (Bong Joon-ho, South Korea)
- Terribly Happy (Henrik Ruben Genz, Denmark)
- The Ghost Writer (Roman Polanski, France)

Then there's the other side of the coin. The worst films so far this year. And that's a much wider playing field.
- Murder in Fashion
- The Wolfman
- Repo Men
- Just Say Love
- Valentine's Day
I agree that WOLFMAN might be the worst! Ha!
On another note, I was very disappointed with the German film EVERYONE ELSE, which I saw last night at the IFC, but that's another story. I will be seeing the Australian THE SQUARE tonight, another critically-praised feature.