Review: "The Secret of Kells"

While there are several other overlooked films that I think would have been more deserving of the Oscar spotlight (Mary and Max, for one), seeing a small Irish gem like Kells alongside giants like Pixar's Up and Coraline is an encouraging sign for films that may not otherwise get the audience they deserve.
The Secret of Kells is a charming mix of Celtic pagan lore and Christian history, wrapped up in an animated fable about a young boy named Brendan, who lives in the medieval Irish city of Kells during the Norman invasions. His uncle, the Abbot of Kells (voiced by Brendan Gleeson), is obsessed with building a massive wall around Kells to protect it from the coming Viking onslaught. Paranoid about the dangers of the forest surrounding them, he forbids Brendan from ever venturing beyond the walls of Kells.

The film only runs a scant 75 minutes, and as such feels very slight. It is never really given the chance to fully develop itself the way a subject of this magnitude would seem to warrant. The Book of Iona, later known as the Book of Kells, was in fact an ornate collection of the Gospels, and other sacred writings, whose purpose was to inspire the people in a time of great national turmoil. Brendan's quest is, in fact, one of great historical import, but to anyone unfamiliar with the film's historical basis, its gravity isn't as apparent.

It's hard to deny the film's charms. Its skillful balancing act of paganism and Christianity in its evocation of medieval Celtic spirituality is both fascinating and enchanting, without ever becoming what one would consider a religious film. There is a lot more going on beneath the surface here than average kiddie fare, however. Its ideas may not be fully formed or given the time they deserve in its rush to get to the end, but The Secret of Kells is a beguiling charmer. And now thanks to the Academy, it can finally have its day in the sun.
GRADE - ★★½ (out of four)
THE SECRET OF KELLS; Directed by Tomm Moore, Nora Twomey; Voices of Brendan Gleeson, Liam Hourican, Mick Lally, Michael McGrath, Evan McGuire, Christen Mooney; Not Rated; Opens tomorrow, March 12, in limited release.