Review: "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo"

Based on the novel by the late Stieg Larsson, the first in the so called Millennium Trilogy, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is steeped in Larsson's self professed love for American crime fiction. It is, at its heart, a potboiler, and Oplev embraces that with unabashed aplomb.
The film introduces us to Mikael Blomkvist (Micahel Nyqvist), a disgraced journalist who is being sent to prison for slander after publicly accusing the CEO of a successful financial institution of several serious crimes. In the six months before he is to begin his three month prison term, Blomkvist is approached by Henrik Vanger (Sven-Bertil Taube), a wealthy retired businessman, to help solve a decades old case in which his 16 year old niece. Harriet, whom he treated as his own daughter, disappeared without a trace.

At its heart, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is a cheaply entertaining piece of pulp fiction hackery, a beach read come to life in film form. There's nothing new under the sun here. Oplev uses every tired trick in the book - red herrings abound, shadowy figures dart across the frame accompanied by quick musical exclamations from the score. It's a dime store paperback novel as a movie, walking the well trod path of serial killer dramas that came before it.

One has to wonder just how different a Hollywood version of this would be. It already has all the trappings of a big budget Hollywood thriller, except it's in Swedish rather than English. Maybe Lisbeth won't sodomize a sadistic anal rapist with a giant dildo? Who knows? It will doubtlessly retain its tawdry gumshoe kitsch, but given the origins of its source material, it really shouldn't be any other way.
GRADE - ★★½ (out of four)
THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO; Directed by Niels Arden Oplev; Stars Micahel Nyqvist, Noomi Rapace, Lena Endre, Sven-Bertil Taube, Peter Haber; Not Rated; In Swedish w/English subtitles; Opens today, 3.19, in select cities.