Review: "A Town Called Panic"

The film is centered around the adventures of Cowboy (Aubier), Indian (Bruce Ellison), and Horse (Patar), three figures who live together in a brick house in a town called Panic. The town is aptly named, as all of its plastic citizens seem to be in a constant state of panic for no apparent reason, running frantically from one place to another and yelling everything as if the world is about to end at any minute.

That, of course, doesn't work out so well, and soon Horse, Cowboy, and Indian all find themselves homeless when the bricks crush their house. Luckily, they have 50 million bricks to rebuild with, and begin the project straight away. But something strange is happening in Panic. Someone is coming in the middle of the night and stealing their new walls. Every time they begin again, their house disappears. Becoming increasingly annoyed, Cowboy, Indian, and Horse decide to investigate and catch the thief that is stealing their walls, and embark on a journey that will lead them under the sea, and to the ends of the earth and beyond to rescue their walls and save the very town of Panic itself.

It has been a particularly strong year for animation this year, from the childlike wonder of Ponyo, to the emotional maturity of Up, to the heart wrenching insights of Mary and Max, 2009 has had more than its share of great animated films. A Town Called Panic may not be as deep or as emotional as the other films I mentioned, but it may just be the funniest one of them all. Aubier and Patar aren't trying to make any profound statements about life or create any existential conundrums, they're just looking to entertain, and in A Town Called Panic, they have found a gloriously wacky avenue to do just that.
GRADE - ★★★ (out of four)
A TOWN CALLED PANIC; Directed by Stéphane Aubier, Vincent Patar; Voices of Stéphane Aubier, Bruce Ellison, Vincent Patar, Jeanne Balibar, Benoît Poelvoorde; Not Rated; In French w/English subtitles; Opens today, 12/16, in NY, and in LA 1/29.