"Under Our Skin" Expands Today
Andy Abrahams Wilson's terrifying documentary, Under Our Skin, has expanded into additional cities today.
For those of you who have yet to see this film, which sadly is probably almost all of you, I urge you to check this film out. It's an important work that needs to be seen. Some Lyme disease advocate groups are even going so far as to buy tickets for the film in faraway cities just to boost the numbers to try to get it to expand even further. This is a film that has the potential to bring about real change, and the more people that see it the more likely those in the medical establishment are likely to take notice.
Visit the film's website (which now features a quote from yours truly) for more information on how you can get involved in the fight to stop Lyme disease. Click here to read my review.

Visit the film's website (which now features a quote from yours truly) for more information on how you can get involved in the fight to stop Lyme disease. Click here to read my review.