Review: "The Girlfriend Experience"

His latest excursion into creative self exploration is The Girlfriend Experience, and unlike many of his previous smaller films, it is free of the self indulgence that has marked other, similar projects.
It is a free flowing, almost stream-of-consciousness look at a high-end call girl named Chelsea (played by real life porn star Sasha Grey) who offers the full "girlfriend experience" - in other words french kissing, full intercourse, and oral sex without protection. Chelsea is a favorite of big name clients, but she always manages to separate her job from her actual relationship with her boyfriend, Chris, a personal trainer who suddenly finds himself presented with a business opportunity that will take him away from the mid-range gym where he currently works to service wealthy hedge-fund managers.

Set against the backdrop of the 2008 presidential election and the looming economic crisis, The Girlfriend Experience also examines the economic intricacies of romance, and on people from all walks of life. Even call girls have to worry about economic down slides. So when Chelsea is asked for a freebie by a sex connoisseur who runs a call girl review website in exchange for a favorable review, she grudgingly accepts. However, it all backfires when the review turns out to be mean spiritedly negative, putting her career in jeopardy and her personal life in turmoil. But it all begins to look up when she meets a client who connects with her on a much deeper level, giving her a taste of the "girlfriend experience" for the first time.
The premise is undeniably interesting, if not exactly original. By putting the story in the context of the current economic collapse and the national changes represented by the recent presidential election. The idea of the tendrils of the economic crisis reaching into even unorthodox business is a very relevant topic, but I can't help but feel that the film is far too lightweight to fully deal with the subject. It's stylish and sexy, with Soderbergh's keen filmmaker's eye in full swing, but it feels every bit as shallow and superficial as an encounter with an actual call girl. Sure it's pretty, and its an engaging watch, but it fades just as quickly, skimming the issues that it raises in a breezy and abbreviated way.

It doesn't really change the fact that the film feels more like an exercise in style and construction than one of any great depth. It's intermittenly effective but strangely devoid of real emotion. This could be simply because Chelsea's life is so devoid of real emotion, but even when she finally finds a connection it feels cold and sterile. I respect Soderbergh's determination to continually branch out and explore his creativity, even if the results aren't always on par with his best work. Still, The Girlfriend Experience offers an intriguing if strangely empty glimpse inside a seemingly glamorous world, and the cracks in the sexy veneer where even the world's oldest profession is no match for modern day capitalism and the calls of the heart.
GRADE - ★★½ (out of four)
THE GIRLFRIEND EXPERIENCE; Directed by Steven Soderbergh, Stars Sasha Grey, Chris Santos, Philip Eytan, Glenn Kenney, Timothy Davis, David Levien, Mark Jacobson; Not Rated.
my review: