Review: "Guest of Cindy Sherman"

Meet one of those exceptions - Paul Hasegawa-Overacker, or Paul H-O, as he likes to be called. Paul was the host of a scrappy public access TV show called Gallery Beat, that covered the New York art world scene from 1993 to 2002 with a trademark irreverence toward what he saw as a self important and elitist cabal.
His new documentary, Guest of Cindy Sherman, co-directed by Tom Donahue, begins as a behind the scenes look at NY art culture as seen through the eyes of the ultimate outsider. It's interesting to see the varying degrees of reactions that he is met with, from bemused, to annoyed, to outright hostile (Julian Schnabel gives H-O a particularly harsh dressing down at one point), as the self described "Beavis and Butthead of the art world" take on NYC galleries and some of the biggest names in art at the time.

Their time together leads to a relationship, and soon Paul finds himself swept away from his outsider status to the arm of the art world's reigning queen, known for hobnobbing with the likes of Steve Martin and Madonna. But after nearly six years of dating, Paul begins to feel the pressure of having a famous girlfriend, a realization that comes to a head after he is seated far away from her at a prestigious dinner, with a place card that merely reads, "guest of Cindy Sherman." It soon became clear that he would always just be "the boyfriend," and not an actual person, to everyone but Cindy herself.
Although Sherman has since disowned the film, and apologized to all her friends who participated with it, it was initially begun back in 2003 with her full cooperation, while the relationship was still going on. As such, Guest of Cindy Sherman is not a hit-piece by a jilted ex-boyfriend. Instead it's a candid, engrossing backstage pass to an artist's inner sanctum, that raises lots of burning questions along the way. Some wonder if Paul's jealousy of Sherman's fame doesn't stem from some kind of deep-seeded macho need to be the big person in the relationship. Paul himself admits that his concerns and annoyances are silly, but they cannot be ignored. There are lots of gender politics to be explored here - is it OK for a woman to have a famous husband, but not vice versa?
As for Sherman, she is never seen outside of the archival footage from Gallery Beat and her artwork. She remains shrouded in mystery, just as unreachable as she began. Even with Paul's informal interviews, Sherman is still a carefully crafted enigma. But that is as it should be, I think. While Guest of Cindy Sherman is a revealing look at the art culture at the end of the 20th century from a decidedly unorthodox and personal point of view, there is still something undeniably reverent about the way Paul paints Sherman. While all he may ever be is a guest of Cindy Sherman, he has made quite an impression himself with this film, as both an outsider looking in, an insider looking out, and ultimately as someone who doesn't quite fit into either place.
GRADE: ★★★ (out of four)
GUEST OF CINDY SHERMAN: Directed by Paul H-O, Tom Donahue; Featuring Paul H-O, Cindy Sherman, Jeanne Tripplehorn, John Waters, David Furnish, Danny DeVito, Karol Kane, Molly Ringwald; Not Rated.
I have sincerity issues, but your piece deserves a genuine thanks for pointing to aspects others hadn't thought of.
Paul H-O
Sam, I think you would enjoy this. If I'm not mistaken it's still playing in NYC. I look forward to hearing your thoughts.