Review: "A Christmas Tale"

I know I'm in the minority on this one. The film is currently sitting pretty with a Metacritic score of 84, and a 90% positive rating at Rotten Tomatoes. But as much as I wanted to like it, I just couldn't.
Desplechin's scattershot, mish-mashed narrative about a dysfunctional family (is there any other kind in the movies?) getting together to settle their differences one Christmas after it is discovered that the family matriarch, Junon (the regal Catherine Deneuve) is dying of cancer.
Simple enough so far. In fact it's pretty un-extraordinary. But there's plenty of room for this tried and true formula to be shaken up a bit. Alas, it is not to be. This family, you see, has so many issues, hang-ups, and quirks that are all so ridiculously simple that it's just hard to care.

I could go own listing their problems and the problems of their spouses and children, but that would take far too long. The real issue is that Junon need a bone marrow transplant if she has any hope of survival. But her type is extremely rare, and after the entire family is tested it is discovered that the only two compatible donors are Henri and Elizabeth's mentally troubled son Paull (Emile Berling). This opens up a whole new set of wounds for the family, and Junon mulls over whose marrow to accept, and the family spends the holiday warring over old grudges and petty, pointless rivalries.

Catherine Deneuve, for her part, is luminous as always. But the entire film feels cold and distant, and fatally unfocused. It is similar in theme to Jonathan Demme's Rachel Getting Married, but far less successful in its aims. That film was downright unpleasant in places, but Demme managed to nail what Desplechin never finds, the heart of his characters.
Instead we are treated to a meandering, aimless, pretentious, overlong chore of a film that fails to offer any real insight into the troubles of this miserable group of people. Two and a half hours with a family never felt so long.
GRADE - ** (out of four)
A CHRISTMAS TALE; Directed by Arnaud Desplechin; Stars Catherine Deneuve, Jean-Paul Roussillon, Anne Cosigny, Mathieu Amalric, Melvil Poupaud, Hippolyte Girardot, Emmanuelle Devos, Chiara Mastroianni, Laurent Capelluto, Emile Berling; Not Rated; In French w/English subtitles.
I'll have to go back and look at my notes and see what really grabbed me about it because now I'm having second thoughts.
I just really liked how it took the fairly stock cliche you mentioned (dysfunctional family holiday) and spun it in fresh and exhuberant directions.
The film was never quite what I was expecting it was going to be and in this case that's a good thing.
I wasn't counting on the abundant humor either.