Review: "The Black Balloon"

There comes a time in movies like this where I just want to throw up my hands and say "OK, I've seen enough." But like any good critic I slog my way through and give the entire film a fair shake. It's not worth it.
The Black Balloon is not the worst film I've ever seen, but there's just something about movies like this that make my skin crawl.
Rhys Wakefield stars as Thomas Mollison, a high schooler in a military family who has just moved into a new school. It's hard enough starting a new school at that age, but adding to his woes is his brother, Charlie (Luke Ford), who is severely Autistic and suffering from Attention Deficit Disorder.

Still awake? Feel nauseous yet? Because The Black Balloon is as gooey with saccharine as they come. I hate feeling manipulated by a film, and in that regard this one is completely shameless. It feels more like a TV movie of the week than a feature film.

But to me it was more like bland, reheated left overs of Rain Man and every other movie that deals with mental illness in this way. It's an overly calculated, touchy-feely piece of faux-inspirational pap that would be more at home on TV than on the big screen.
GRADE ** (out of four)
THE BLACK BALLOON; Directed by Elissa Down; Stars Rhys Wakefield, Luke Ford, Toni Collette, Erik Thomson, Gemma Ward; Rated PG-13 for some sexual content, a scene of violence, and brief strong language
Yet, I still haven't been able to bring myself to review it.
Ordinarily I run from this kind of thing screaming. Movies that use disabled people as a crutch generally piss me off, but this one had its heart in the right place.
But yeah, I can see how if you're not into it by the end, the climactic scene must've been freakin' unbearable.
Ah well, they can't all be winners.