Review: "I Served the King of England"

Taking place mostly as a flashback of an old man who has just been released from prison after 14 years behind bars, I Served the King of England introduces us to Jan Dite (Ivan Barnev in his younger years, Oldrich Kaiser in his older), a lowly hot dog vendor who dreams of one day becoming a millionaire and owning his own hotel. As he works his way up through the ranks of society, first as a busboy and later as a waiter, constantly at the arm of the wealthy, Jan amuses himself by dropping coins on the floor and watching the inevitable human reaction (even among the rich) of scrambling to pick up as many as they can.
He also finds plenty of time for romance, seemingly becoming a magnet for women wherever he goes. But it isn't until the Germans invade Czechoslovakia on the threshold of World War II, that he meets his true love, Liza (Julia Jentsch), a beautiful Nazi school teacher for whom he falls head over heels.

It's jarring seeing Julia Jentsch, Sophie Scholl herself from Sophie Scholl: The Final Days, as the beguiling Nazi, Liza. But it's easy to see why Jan fell for her. Menzel extends her the courtesy that the Third Reich refused to afford so many - he portrays her as human. We never escape the feeling that Liza is, at heart, a good person who has been corrupted by overwhelming propaganda and promises of a German utopia. And in his love for her, Jan goes right along, despite constantly being treated as a second class citizen by the German occupiers.

Through it all, however, Jan keeps his head up and spirits high, giving the film a light, bouncy quality even at its most tragic. Menzel's quirky tone and skillful balance of feelings makes for a beguiling journey through the memories of an old man who is just starting to find himself again in the memories of a lifetime well spent. I Served the King of England may not be earth shattering filmmaking, but it is a captivating, heartwarming, and ultimately life affirming celebration of what makes us human.
GRADE - ***½ (out of four)
I SERVED THE KING OF ENGLAND; Directed by Jiri Menzel; Stars Ivan Barnev, Oldrich Kaiser, Julia Jentsch, Martin Huba, Marian Labuda, Istvan Szabo; Rated R for sexual content and nudity; In Czech and German w/English subtitles
I usually say Julia's Sophie is my favorite performance of all-time, so she's definitely an actress that I'll see in anything. I also loved her in The Edukators.
I thought the film should have won Best Foreign Language Film over the bland TSOTSI that year (sorry Nick) is woefully overlooked.
Fletch - haha yeah he does look a bit like an older Macaulay Culkin. He also reminds me a bit of Charlie Chaplin and Ichabod Crane from Disney's old cartoon version of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.
Nick - I look forward to hearing your thoughts, as always. :-)