Review: "Mongol"

Mongol is the epic tale of the origins of the infamous Genghis Khan, from his childhood to his uniting the tribes of Mongolia and conquering most of Asia.
The film focuses on his childhood and early life. Born Temujin to the Khan of the Borijigan tribe, he was later thrown into a life of exile after his father was assassinated by an enemy tribe, and the Borijigans were taken over by older warriors who threatened to enslave and kill the nine year old Temujin. Fearing for his life, he flees to find Borte, the girl he was betrothed to as a child, who is later kidnapped by a rival tribe seeking revenge against Temujin's father who did not fulfill his promise of choosing a wife for his son from their tribe. So Temujin goes to his brother Jamuka to unite their clans to march against the Mekrits to win back his wife. As Temujin's power and influence grow, power struggles erupt, and he sets out to unite the tribes of Mongolia under a common law, and is resisted only by Jamuka, with whom he must fight his most bloody battle.

While we're making comparisons, Mongol is everything Oliver Stone's Alexander should have been but never was. Where that film was stilted and laborious, Mongol is fluid and engaging, making the most out of its breathtaking imagery and charismatic lead performance by Tadanobu Asano as Temujin.

In fact, the film was engaging enough for me to want it to keep going. The majority of the film is top notch epic filmmaking, expertly crafted and beautifully paced by Bodrov, but the final act leaves a lot to be desired. It's as if the film was running a marathon and leading the entire time, but gives up in the final leg and chugs across the finish line somewhere in the middle.
Overall, Mongol is quite an accomplished work. This is filmmaking on a grand and rare scale. If only it hadn't stumbled in the final round it could have been great. It's still nothing to sneeze at though, because in light of 300 and other modern "epics," Mongol is a refreshingly old school light in the darkness.
GRADE - *** (out of four)
MONGOL; Directed by Sergei Bodrov; Stars Tadanobou Asano, Khulan Chuluun, Bao Di, Bu Ren; Rated R for sequences of bloody warfare; In Mongolian w/English subtitles; Opens today in select cities.