"Run, Fatboy, Run"
As far as recent comedies go, David Schwimmer's directorial debut, Run Fatboy Run (which opens today in wide release), is actually pretty good. It's nothing groundbreaking or out of the ordinary, but it is a competently made, even heartwarming little comedy with a nice British twist.
Who would have thought Ross could have put together such a solid little movie? It's all pretty predictable, but it's enjoyable nonetheless.
I'll be hammering out a full review for next Thursday's Dispatch, but I wanted to go ahead and give it a little boost. There is nothing in it that hasn't been done before, but it's done with conviction and charm, putting it into an above-average category it might not otherwise have attained.
The cynics can wag their fingers if they want, but one must be able to recognize well-done formula, even if it is formula. And Run Fatboy Run is definitely one of the better comedies currently playing in wide release.

I'll be hammering out a full review for next Thursday's Dispatch, but I wanted to go ahead and give it a little boost. There is nothing in it that hasn't been done before, but it's done with conviction and charm, putting it into an above-average category it might not otherwise have attained.
The cynics can wag their fingers if they want, but one must be able to recognize well-done formula, even if it is formula. And Run Fatboy Run is definitely one of the better comedies currently playing in wide release.
Your preview is encouraging. Not every movie has to be a home run.
I like charming, so I am in for it. I wasn't before, but after your write up, I am in.