Remembering "La Dolce Vita"

From The Guardian:
The history of film is marked by milestones that record important stages in its development - the first Lumière programme in 1896, for instance, The Great Train Robbery, The Birth of a Nation, The Jazz Singer, Gone With the Wind, Rashomon, Les Quatre Cents Coups, 2001: A Space Odyssey. Federico Fellini was involved in two such films. One was Rossellini's Rome Open City (1945), on which he was assistant director and co-screenwriter. This was the first authentic Italian neo-realist movie and immediately influential throughout the world. The second, La Dolce Vita (1960), which he directed and co-scripted, introduced a new kind of cinema appropriate to a country that had emerged from fascism, the Second World War and post-war poverty to embrace (at least in Rome and the north) a glitzy affluence and a changed set of values that challenged Catholic morality. The neo-realist pictures were shot in the streets; La Dolce Vita, like his later pictures, was made for the most part on expensive sets at Cinecittà.Click here to read the full article.