Gone to Green Bay
I'm flying out of Charlotte tomorrow (technically today, since I'm writing this at 3:00 AM) on my way to Green Bay Wisconsin to see the Packers play the Detroit Lions on Sunday, and will be gone until January 2nd, so there will probably be a decrease in posts until then, because I don't know what kind of wireless internet service I will have up there.
Now I'm not a big sports fan (OK...I'm not a sports fan at all), but my dad has loved the Packers since he was a little kid, and he's living out a lifelong dream to see them play at home in Lambeau Field, so I wouldn't miss it. However I will try to post updates when and if I can while I'm there.
But in case I don't write again until I return, have a happy new year, and I'll see you in 2008!

But in case I don't write again until I return, have a happy new year, and I'll see you in 2008!