"Casino Royale" - The Consensus

"Relaunches the series by doing something I wouldn't have thought possible: It turns Bond into a human being again -- a gruffly charming yet volatile chap who may be the swank king stud of the Western world, but who still has room for rage, fear, vulnerability, love." - Owen Glieberman, Entertainment Weekly
"Flat-out one of the best Bonds ever." - William Arnold, Seattle Post-Intelligencer
"Craig, excellent in both art house endeavors ("The Mother," "Enduring Love") and blockbuster think pieces ("Munich"), has both a nasty streak and a soft side never before seen in the series; Fleming would recognize him as most like his literary creation: damaged goods in a tailored tux." - Robert Wilonski, Village Voice
"Let the purists squawk: In Daniel Craig, the Bond franchise has finally found a 007 whose cruel charisma rivals that of Sean Connery." - Ty Burr, Boston Globe